Thursday, January 19, 2012

Savvy Supermarket Shopping

How to avoid the temptation of high fat, high energy foods at the supermarket. Our answer is simple: don’t take these foods into your home. Decide what you want to buy before you leave home and stick to it - don’t decide what you want to purchase inside the supermarket.

We’ve prepared 10 tips to help you become a savvier supermarket shopper:
1. Plan meals and snacks for the week or fortnight ahead, and use this plan to make a shopping list (then don’t forget to take this shopping list to the supermarket!)

2. Don’t shop or make a shopping list when you’re feeling hungry

3. Choose a store that has a wide selection of fresh produce, grains, meats and poultry: avoid convenience stores, milk bars and delis

4. If you only need a few items, use a shopping basket rather than a trolley

5. Only carry a limited amount of cash to avoid buying unnecessary items

6. Limit your supermarket shopping to the aisles that contain items you need to purchase

7. Be aware of the strategies that supermarket owners use to encourage you to purchase high fat, high energy foods:

Bakery goods such as breads, donuts and cakes are highly profitable for the supermarket owner. They are therefore prominently placed, often at the entry where their aroma is designed to bring you into the supermarket and entice you to purchase something immediately.

Impulse items such as lollies, biscuits, peanuts, chocolates and chips also provide the owner with a high profit. They are also displayed prominently, generally at the end of the aisle or at the checkout counter to make it ‘easier’ for you to purchase them while you wait for service.

Fresh foods such as meats, fruits, vegetables and dairy products are usually found in the outside aisles. Supermarkets only make a small profit on these items, but as they have a short shelf life they need high exposure to ensure adequate turnover.

Canned and packaged foods are found throughout the remainder of the aisles. As these foods usually have a longer shelf life, they don’t need to be turned over as quickly.
Take a look around the supermarket next time you visit. Notice how it’s designed to optimise the appearance and aroma of certain foods. You’ll see tactics such as signs and displays, specials and taste tests.

8. Review your shopping list while you're waiting at the checkout. Is there anything in your trolley that’s not on your list or vice versa?

9. Put your shopping away in the fridge or pantry as soon as you arrive home. Don’t leave it out and expect not to be tempted by it!

10. If you shop with children use the parent friendly, or confectionary free checkout (these are available at the more socially responsible supermarkets). Children are aware that there are lots of brightly packaged, ‘yummy’ foods at their eye height at the checkout and they may pressure you to buy them.

By following these tips you’ll remove the temptation of high calorie foods in your fridge and cupboards, and as a result you’ll find losing weight much easier! 

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